Of course! We offer complimentary video chat consultations to help you take your measurements and answer any questions you may have. Simply select a time and date that is most convenient for you here. These calls usually take less than 10 minutes.
Wear fitted clothing such as a tank top and leggings. It's important that your clothing is fitted so we can see your body shape. Take one picture of yourself straight-on with a clear front profile of your silhouette. And one picture of your side profile with a clear view of your butt -- make sure at least one arm is down to your side and the picture shows the curve between your back and butt. Please look at the sample image above. You do not need to show your face if you don't want to. We only need the image to be from your shoulder down.
After you complete your purchase, simply reply to our confirmation email with your measurements and images. Or email us at perfectfit@ritaphil.com.